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Knowledge is Power and Key to Your Health

Support is out there for those with diabetes

By Jillian Chandler

For those in the community who have been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, there is a small community devoted to helping you in your journey to health.

Though the January and February meetings this year were canceled due to COVID, the Boundary County Diabetes Education Support Group is hopeful to be able to resume monthly meetings starting in March! The monthly meetings are led by Shantel Pluid, a registered dietitian at Boundary Community Hospital. And, of course, all members of the group are welcome to join in and contribute to the discussion.

“It is always helpful to hear others’ experiences, and sometimes questions arise that can help an individual with their own struggle or also just provide them more knowledge about how to better manage their blood sugars,” shares Shantel. “I feel like the accountability of meeting once a month helps my patients to stay on top of their own health, and it helps to talk about goals and other issues they may have come across over the past month.”

Those who attend the sessions have the opportunity to learn tips and ideas while obtaining the correct knowledge of how to properly manage their diabetes. Shantel notes that some people can benefit by decreasing medications, losing weight and setting realistic goals for themselves.

Whether you have been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you are welcome to attend. The environment is very welcoming, as the goal is for individuals to find out more information about diabetes and to understand that it is a completely manageable disease. “I would love to provide you or your loved ones with more information to help get your health back on track,” smiles Shantel, adding, “No questions are bad questions!”

If you have a friend or family member with diabetes who is struggling, be sure to share this group with them—and let them know they are not alone.

Meetings are held the third Monday of the month, September through May, in the Fry Healthcare Education Center (located in the hospital employee parking lot across the street from the hospital). For additional information, you can reach out to Shantel Pluid via email at or by calling 208.267.3141 ext. 4235.

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