Bonners Ferry’s Breastfeeding Support & Mothering Group
By Jillian Chandler

Motherhood. It is one of the most rewarding and selfless choices a woman can make—but it can also be filled with stress, confusion and overwhelm. Fortunately, here in our small town of Bonners Ferry, there is a special group dedicated to those mothers and mothers to be, offering a community of support and encouragement for those women seeking a supportive and understanding group.
It was about four years ago that a support group for breastfeeding moms was introduced in Bonners Ferry—today it is not just a support group for breastfeeding moms, but all moms.
The first Tuesday of every month, starting at 4pm, moms are invited to join other moms in the community in the back room of the Chic-n-Chop. Here, these women come together to find a listening ear and offer words of encouragement to those in the group. This is a safe and supportive place for breastfeeding mothers, pregnant mamas or any moms who need support with young children.
You can always find midwives Lori Sabin and Katherine Cowell in attendance and leading the group, who are joined by anywhere from two to a dozen moms, along with their infants and toddlers, at these monthly sessions. Due to the current pandemic, the usual winter colds and people being extra cautious, groups have been fairly small and intimate; a wonderful time to join in and get acquainted with other moms in the area.
The group encourages those interested in attending to stop in, and those who join will have the opportunity to:
Meet other local moms.
Ask breastfeeding questions.
Discuss your concerns.
Share tips for breastfeeding success.
Hear advice from midwives on various topics.
And more!
“We feel it is very important for women to have community, support, the opportunity to make friends with other mothers, and ask questions without judgment or fear,” says Lori. “Most of us who are leading have raised our own kids and have lots of experiences.”
Registration is not required to attend. For those interested in learning more about the group and for additional information, you are welcome to call Lori Sabin at 208.627.3558 or Katherine Cowell at 208.267.3431.
As they say, it takes a village. Let the Breastfeeding Support and Mothering Group be part of your village. “We don’t want these moms to feel alone. We want women to feel supported and encouraged and in a safe place to share,” says Lori.
Bring your baby and join this wonderful group of ladies as you all embrace the important journey of motherhood—together.