According to Bonners Ferry varsity football coach, Cory Kramer, senior Chris Durette is a dedicated athlete upon whom he can rely.
“He started playing [football] last year and improved a ton,” said Coach Kramer. “He always gives you 100 percent, and I’m excited to see what he does this season.”
In addition to football, Chris is in his third year of basketball. He not only loves to play the game but also enjoys coaching. “I coached my little sister’s basketball team. That was the best!” exclaimed Chris. “At the end of the season, all the girls were crying because they were so sad it was over. I really enjoyed them.”
Chris has been in FFA (Future Farmers of America) for four years and received his state degree from FFA this year. “Last October I got to go to the national conferences in Chicago. It was an amazing experience,” he said.
He is unsure of where he will attend school following graduation but is interested in the University of Idaho as well as a few trade schools—one in Helena and one in Washington state.
“I am very interested in the agricultural field—maybe becoming an agricultural teacher. I want to own a farm and have animals,” said Chris, who adds he is also interested in welding and becoming a lineman.
Until then, Chris said he wants to make the most of high school sports because he won’t be playing sports in college. The determination that Coach Kramer speaks about is evident when Chris was asked what his biggest challenge has been athletically.
“I started playing sports late in high school, so I have had to work harder and practice more to be as good as I can be. Last year, I hurt my hip playing football. I had to work hard to get it back in shape so I could keep playing,” said Chris.
He shares that his most memorable athletic moment to date was beating Kellogg in overtime in basketball. “It was a great feeling!” he said.
Chris said he enjoys seeing his family in the crowd cheering him on and enjoys being part of a team. “I love being on a good team. When we all practice and can work together, it is effortless, and we know what we are doing. It feels great to play on a team where everyone has the same goal as I do. That is what I like the most,” he said.
His coaches have been a great influence on Chris. “The biggest lesson I have learned from a coach is that hard work pays off. When you practice over and over and see the results paying off, it just makes you feel great!”