A fundraising co-ed softball tournament in remembrance of Rob Gust and CJ Erickson, who passed away in June 2016, Bat for Our Brothers is holding its second annual event on July 28 at Riverside Park Field.
“Rob Gust and CJ Erickson, both exceptional Bonners Ferry High School student athletes, graduated in 2010 and went on to become successful lineman,” says Michaela Telford, tournament coordinator. “Family and friends wanted to create a tradition to honor them, their love of sports and to give back to the community in their name. To date, the scholarship has provided four Bonners Ferry graduates with $1,500 in scholarship awards.”
The tournament will kick off at 8am and continue until the champion is crowned. Last year’s event had six teams, and they are looking to have six to eight teams this year. “If more teams are interested, we would love them to participate,” says Michaela. They recommend no more than 14 players per team. Ten players can play in the field at a time, and the number of men and women must be even. As the tournament is fairly competitive, it’s best that those participating are high school age or older.
“The purpose of the tournament is to gather in remembrance of Rob and CJ, raise money for the local high school scholarship and enjoy each other’s company while playing softball,” says Michaela. There will be some concessions for sale during the tournament, including event T-shirts.
For those who would like to play ball, sign up through the Bat for Our Brothers Facebook page, email batforourbrothers@gmail.com or find the event link at BonnersFerryLivingLocal.com. The cost is $250 per team. Those who would like to donate can make out a check to Boundary County School District with the memo Rob Gust-CJ Erickson Skool Scholarship and mail to 718 Oak Street, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805.
All funds will go toward the Rob Gust-CJ Erickson Skool Scholarship which benefits two deserving Bonners Ferry High School seniors who will be pursuing higher education through the attendance of an accredited vocational program.