For the third year in a row, the Bonners Ferry High School volleyball team will host the Color Blast 5k Run/Walk. This year the event will be on June 16 starting at the Boundary County Fairgrounds with a 9am sign-in and a 10am start.
The 5k route takes participants on a “colorful” route west along the Kootenai River on Riverside Street as they are sprinkled with colored powder along the way.
Bonners Ferry volleyball coach, Kendra Maas, said it is a family friendly event and kids absolutely love participating!
“Last year we had about 100 people and raised approximately $1,200,” said Maas, saying the amount raised depends upon many factors including the cost of color that needs to be purchased. The money raised from last year’s event was spent on a hitting machine for the players as well as traveling shirts and game socks, helping to defray the cost for the 32 players on varsity, junior varsity and the C team.
Maas said the idea for the Color Blast Fun Run came from JV coach Amy Lane who knew of a similar event in Troy, Montana, that is held each July. “It is a fun event for the entire community,” said Maas of the success the fundraiser has had in Bonners Ferry.
Next year will be Maas’s fifth year coaching at Bonners Ferry High School, although she has coached since 2001. In her four years here, her team has placed first in districts and league twice, earning them a trip to State in Boise, and placed second in both districts and league on two other occasions.
While T-shirts from the event were only guaranteed if you registered by May 23, it is still not too late! The deadline to pre-register is June 1 and the cost is $50 for a group of four or $20 for individuals. If one registers any time after June 1, there is an additional $10 charge.
For registration forms, go to NewsBF.com/news/1801/images/colorrun.pdf. You can drop the forms off at Bonners Ferry High School, Boundary Middle School or Iron Mike’s Gym. You can also mail them to BFHS Volleyball, 6485 Tamarack Lane, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805. Please make your check out to BFHS Volleyball. If you are unable to attend but would like to donate to the volleyball program, please write a check to the Bonners Ferry High School and make sure it is marked for the volleyball team.