Submit your application for this year’s Bonners Ferry Rotary Club Scholarship
By Jillian Chandler
Photo by Ron Campbell - Profotofix Photography

Those in the community who are looking to pursue higher education are encouraged to apply for the Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry’s Rotary Scholarship.
“The local Rotary Club works hard to raise the funds for these scholarships so that we may support dedicated and promising students in our community to pursue higher education,” says Andrakay Pluid, Scholarship Committee chair. “Our hope is that those students will take that education and contribute to their communities in return.”
According to Andrakay, the number of scholarships and the amount awarded vary by year. Last year, the Rotary awarded $10,000 through 10 scholarships of $1,000 each. The 2020 award recipients included: Bailey Owens, Grace Villelli, Haley Wenk, Jamie Cromwell, Kelsey English, Michael Youngwirth, Quinn Gray, Serenity Fahey, Sydney Nelson and Victoria Rae.
Funds for the scholarship are raised through fundraising projects conducted throughout the year by the Bonners Ferry Rotary Club, with its primary fundraiser being their calendar drawing. They also have community donors who contribute to the scholarship fund.
The deadline to apply for the 2021 scholarship is set for Friday, April 9. (To download the scholarship form, visit, scroll down and click 2021 - BF Rotary Scholarship from the Download Files.) The scholarship committee will meet to evaluate the applications, with the 2021 recipients to be announced toward the end of the month. “The recipient list is given to local media outlets and the high school,” says Andrakay. “All applicants receive a letter stating if they were awarded a scholarship as well.”
A Dessert Reception will be held in May to honor the scholarship recipients. Recipients, their families and guests are invited to attend, and will be joined by members of the Rotary Club. “Many members of the club look forward to this event, as it is an opportunity to see their hard work in action,” affirms Andrakay.
The Rotary Scholarship is offered to any deserving citizen of Boundary County pursuing a higher education at any accredited college, university or vocational school. Scholarship selection is based on the applicant’s academic achievement, community service, personal goals and motivation. To be considered for this scholarship, return a completed application postmarked no later than April 9, 2021, to:
Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry Attn: Scholarship Committee
P. O. Box 1921
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805-1921
Due to COVID, there was no reception for the 2020 recipients. Pictured are the 2019 scholarship recipients and club members. From left: Norm Bratz, Jerzie Pluid, Seth Bateman, Gabby Barajas, Drew Foster, Kristie Campbell (president), Erica Wood, Jordan Young, Caleb Peterson, Dave Walter, Connor Claphan, Ada Bonnell, Linda Lederhos.